Written on Jun 17, 2020 9:30:00 AM
5 Situations When You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer
Topics: personal injury
If you’ve been injured in an accident for which you were not at fault, you may be entitled to compensation. After an accident, you probably have a number of questions you want answered. One of them may be: Do I need to hire a personal injury lawyer?
Not all situations following an accident will require a personal injury lawyer. Some scenarios, though, will require a lawyer for you to pursue your personal injury case. There’s a lot at stake to consider--from ensuring your injuries are properly taken care to fighting with insurance companies for compensation. Every personal injury case is unique, but if your accident resembles any of the five situations below, then it’s time to hire a personal injury lawyer.
What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?
If you’ve sustained an injury due to someone else’s fault and you pursue a case, a personal injury lawyer will fight for you to receive compensation. An accident lawyer provides legal services for those who seek compensation due to being injured (whether physically or psychologically) at the fault of another individual or entity.
A personal injury lawyer primarily practices tort law, which is the area of law where a claimant suffers harm or loss, resulting in the legal liability for the person who committed the act.
If you are pursuing such a case, personal injury attorney should do the following for you:
- Evaluate your citation to see what qualifies as a personal injury case.
- Offer legal advice regarding your case up-front.
- Offer a contingency fee in which you pay nothing until they recover money for you.
- Take the time to both listen and answer your questions.
- Ensure that you get the proper medical treatment.
- Visit you at your house or hospital for an initial consultation.
- Not pressure you to hire them on the spot.
- Be familiar with your area; this will help your case.
When choosing a personal injury attorney, make sure you look for an individual with a balance of experience in personal injury cases, compassion, and communication to handle the insurance companies.
5 Situations Where You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer
If any of these scenarios resemble your own case, it may be time to hire a personal injury lawyer.
If You Suffered Permanent Disabilities from your Injury
If you received permanent or serious long-term disabilities from your accident, then you will need the help of a personal injury lawyer to receive all the compensation you deserve. An accident lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases such as yours knows how much your injuries are worth and can assist you with receiving the right amount of compensation. Disabilities, whether permanent or long-term, can affect your earning capacity and can rack up costs for medical treatment and therapy. Hiring a personal injury lawyer to fight for your case can help you receive the financial stability you need.
If you Received Severe Injuries
In many situations, the amount of compensation you receive for your accident depends on the severity of your injuries. The type of injuries you received, the amount of medical bills acquired, and the length of your recovery time are all measures insurance companies use to determine how severe your injuries are. Insurance companies may try to pay you only a fraction of the compensation that you deserve, so hiring a personal injury lawyer experienced with working with insurance companies can help you receive what you deserve.
If There were Multiple Parties Involved
An accident may involve multiple parties who are liable for injuries. If this is your case, it would be wise to hire a personal injury attorney. Insurance companies can become very difficult when there are multiple people held liable or involved in an accident. There may be more than one person injured, which means less settlement money to go around. Or, insurance companies may try to decrease your settlement by claiming you had proportional fault to the accident. Attorneys have the necessary skills and experience to ensure you are receiving the compensation you are entitled to and building a case that protects you from counter-claims and cross-claims.
If Liability is Not Clear
If you are not sure who is at fault for the accident, you need to consult with a personal injury lawyer. It’s likely the other party’s insurance company will attempt to pin liability for damages on you. An attorney can defend you from their claims and protect your rights.
If The Insurance Company Refuses to Pay or Being Unfair
Most people do not know how a personal injury claim works and insurance companies will try to take advantage of this. They often will deny a legitimate personal injury case, or delay it long enough to only offer a fraction of the price. If you are finding that you cannot secure a fair settlement offer with insurance companies, or they are being plain difficult, then you should consult with a personal injury lawyer immediately. Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of your situation!
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
If any of these scenarios resemble your own, it’s time to consult with a personal injury lawyer.
Finding the right kind of attorney isn’t easy, but it is a significant step in the right direction. Make sure you find an accident lawyer that you trust and feel comfortable handling your personal injury case with. To learn more about hiring a lawyer or how a personal injury case works, we encourage you to subscribe to our blog or contact an experienced and compassionate attorney today to assist you with your case. This is no obligation, and will help you get the information you need.