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7 Surprising Stats About Florida Auto Accidents

Written by Joe Lowman | Dec 2, 2014 4:09:00 PM

At the national level, legislators can usually predict trends for driver safety and accident factors using empirical data gathered by state motor vehicle departments. While these national trends are usually representative of state auto accident statistics, Florida is an exception, with its incredibly high driver population, lax driver and motorcycle helmet laws, frequent adverse weather, and congested roadways.

In this blog article, we break down 7 surprising Florida auto accident statistics, and spell out what they mean for you and your road safety.

1.) Traffic Accident Rates are On the Rise

In a 2012 report by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), it was reported that statewide accidents rose over 23% between 2011 and 2012 alone, and involved over 130,000 more drivers than in years prior.

While this is at least partially affected by improved accident reporting changes made in the same year, it’s still an increase worth noting. With Florida auto accidents on the rise, the need for proper representation becomes even more important for filing accident claims in court.

2.) The Fatality Rate Remains High, and Constant

The above report by the FLHSMV in 2012 also found that, despite rising numbers and overall accident occurrences, the rate of fatal crashes has remained somewhat constant, only increasing 1.8% from 2011 to 2012. However, Florida is still third nationally for overall accident fatalities, with over 2,400 deaths annually.

3.) 17% Decrease in Fatalities Since Late-2000s

With fatalities at a national high and overall accident cases on the rise, you might expect this to mean higher death rates historically. However, since 2008 and 2009, auto accident fatalities have actually dropped over 17%, from 2,983 in 2008 to 2,430 fatalities in 2012.

This is due to a number of factors, one of which is increased legislation on and use of seatbelts and other safety mechanisms. If you’re on the road, make it a goal to keep this positive trend going; always wear your seatbelt.

4.) Injury Rates Are Up By 10%

In the state of Florida, it’s been found that auto accident injuries, along with overall crash occurrences, are generally higher than in years prior. Between 2011 and 2012, it was found that crashes resulting in injury rose from 117,900 to over 130,900, in an 11% jump. The actual number of injuries, as you may expect, also rose in 2012 by 9%, reflecting this spike.

The more auto accident injuries occur each year, the more important it becomes for victims to hire compassionate, experienced auto accident attorneys to get the compensation and coverage they need.

5.) Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes Have Become Common

One of the more unsettling statistic sets in this article concerns bicycle and pedestrian crashes, and their recent rise. Pedestrian crashes and injuries skyrocketed in 2012, with an almost 20% increase over the prior year (19.7% increase in injuries, 17.3% increase in overall crashes). This is, unfortunately, even less than the large increase in bicycle accidents between 2011 and 2012 (30.8% increase in bicycle accident injuries, and 28% increase in crashes).

6.) Motorcycle Accidents Are On a Steady Rise

Along with pedestrian accidents and bicycle crashes, motorcycle accidents are also on the rise. In 2010, the FLHSMV reported just under 7,500 motorcycle accidents statewide; in 2011, this number rose to 8,621, and in 2012, it increased almost 9% to 9,384.

This rise is also reflected in motorcycle accident deaths, which jumped from 350 in 2010 to 425 in 2012. This unfortunate trend, and much of these deaths, could have been avoided with standard helmet use. Even though it’s not required in the state of Florida, wearing a helmet regularly can significantly reduce your likelihood of death or serious brain injury in the even of an accident.

7.) Alcohol is Involved in 36% of Fatalities

In traffic accident reports processed by the FLHSMV in 2012, it was determined that alcohol consumptions played a role in roughly one third of all roadway fatalities (877 out of over 2,400 fatalities). This is especially unsettling for innocent victims involved in auto accidents with drunk drivers, and their families. Alcohol consumption was also suspected to be involved in over 12,000 roadway injuries in that same year.

If you have been the victim of an auto accident in Florida, know that you don’t have to pursue compensation or injury claims alone. Experienced, passionate accident attorneys help thousands of Americans every year recover from accidents, and get the financial compensation they deserve in the aftermath of a crash.