Spring Hill | Brooksville Personal Injury Lawyer Blog

Simplify Your Auto Accident Claim With These 3 Steps

Written by Joe Lowman | Sep 8, 2014 2:43:00 PM

In auto accident cases in Spring Hill, Brooksville and Dade City communities, victims are often overwhelmed by auto insurance agencies, medical treatment and official reports to concern themselves with evidence for their claim.

However, acting smart at the site of an accident and talking to the right people immediately after an accident can entirely change the outcome of an accident claim, and get victims the financial compensation they need following an accident. In many cases, the most important thing you can do following an accident is contact a legal representative to handle and support your claim in court.

1.) Take Long Notes and Photographs On-Location

One of the best ways to simplify your auto accident claim, and to improve your chances of getting the compensation you need after an accident, is taking careful note of all conditions, information and possible factors at the site of your accident. This is where using your cellular phone can come in great use, and potentially save your entire accident claim

If possible, at the location of your auto accident, write down or photograph everything that could have contributed to your accident, including:

  • Roadway conditions, such as potholes or uneven lanes, and traffic at the time of your accident
  • Weather conditions, which can play a pivotal role in any auto accident case
  • Detailed information on all parties involved in an accident, and their insurance companies
  • A comprehensive record of all damage (this is especially aided by photographic evidence)

These “notes” will form the entire factual background for your auto accident claim, and can be extremely valuable in getting you the compensation you need following an accident.

Even if it’s impossible to do so now, keeping this in mind for the future can significantly boost your chances of getting the compensation you need and proving your accident claim in court.

2.) Contact the Right People, At the Right Time

A lot of auto accident claims are made successful by knowing who to contact, and when the right time is to contact them. Immediately following an auto accident, of course, you should contact the police, or paramedics if there are any resulting injuries from the accident. Don’t let insurance worries or financial thoughts get in the way of immediate, necessary medical attention.

Once you have notified the authorities of an auto accident, you should contact a professional legal attorney right away, to help guide the conversations with involved insurance companies you’re bound to have in a moment’s notice.

The right auto accident attorney will be one local to your area, with extensive experience in cases much similar to yours. Some will specialize in certain types of auto accidents (such as rear-end collisions, motorcycle accidents or truck accidents), while others will serve as “jack-of-all-trades,” and take on any kind of auto accident case. Whoever you choose is ultimately up to you, and how well you feel that attorney or agency can handle your unique case.

It should be noted that, immediately following an auto accident, time is absolutely of the essence. The sooner you act, and more comprehensively you present information on your accident case, the better your ultimate chances will be of getting the crucial compensation you deserve.

3.) Hire a Local Auto Accident Attorney

Perhaps the most effective way you can simplify your auto accident claim and get the compensation you deserve is by hiring an experienced auto accident attorney within your local community. These professionals can help build, guide and present your case in court, and can be the single greatest asset you can have in an accident case. In many instances, having professional representation through a practiced attorney can change the overall outcome of a case.

It’s important to find a local auto accident attorney to represent your case officially in court, as these professionals know the local community, its roads and common driving behaviors in the area. With this local knowledge, they can much better represent you and your needs in court.

You don’t have to fight for your compensation and auto accident claim on your own. Contact Lowman Law Firm today to learn more about what a professional attorney can do for your case, or to schedule a free initial consultation for your auto accident claim.